Name & Address of Client Worksite Address Architects Consultants Project Managers Type of Installation Period of Execution %
Value of Work in LAKH (INR)
GOODWILL CABLES & PROJECTS PVT. LIMITED KARNATAKA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LTD., Establishing 2X31.5MVA, 66/11kV Sub-station at Sorahunase(Madhuranagar) and laying of 66kV, 1000sqmm, Single circuit, UG cable from proposed 220/66kV Sobha Dreams Sub-station to the proposed 66/11kV Sorahunase Sub-station for a route length of 6.702kms in Bengaluru East Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District on Total Turnkey Basis including Design, Testing, Supply of UG Cable and  supply of all matching materials /equipments  and  erection (including civil works) of all materials/equipments, testing and commissioning
No.28, Devasree Comforts, Seshadri Road, Anand rao Circle, Bangalore-560 009 2X31.5MVA, 66/11kV Sub-station at Sorahunase(Madhuranagar) and laying of 66kV, 1000sqmm, Single circuit, UG cable from proposed 220/66kV Sobha Dreams Sub-station to the proposed 66/11kV Sorahunase Sub-station for a route length of 6.702kms in Bengaluru East Taluk, Bengaluru Urban District on Total Turnkey Basis AUGUST’ 2021
JULY’ 2022
yet to commence 6414.00