Name & Address of Client Worksite Address Architects Consultants Project Managers Type of Installation Period of Execution Value of Work in LAKHS (INR)
I.T.C. Limited I.T.C. Limited Rathi Associates ACE Consultants & Engineers Bovis Lend Lease Providing  Electrical Installation Work for Refurbishment of Marketing Office, Visakhapatnam, Anchra Pradesh
India Tobacco Division India Tobacco Division No.16/16, Binny Crescent, No.26, I Floor, Projects Pvt.Ltd.
P.B.No.12, Door No.24-1-16 P.B.No.12, Door No.24-1-16 Bangalore – 560 046 4th Cross, 105, Embassy Square
Thompson Road, Thompson Road, Malleswaram, 148, Infantry Road Apr-02 26.00
Visakhapatnam – 530 001 Visakhapatnam – 530 001 Bangalore – 560 003 Bangalore – 560 001