Name & Address of Client Worksite Address Architects Consultants Project Managers Type of Installation Period of Execution Value of Work in LAKHS (INR)
M.S.Ramaiah Institute of M.S.Ramaiah Institute of M.S.R.I.T.Architect Ess Bee Associates Electrical Installation Works
for Block 1  about 2,20,000 Sq.ft at upgradation of 11KV Sub-Station with 1000 KVA Transformer and Associated Equipment including Main LT Panel, 1No. 500 KVA D.G.Set with acoustics and AMF Panel @ MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology,  Vidya Soudha, M.S.Ramaiah Nagar, M.S.R.I.T. Post, Bangalore – 560 054.
Technology Technology 12, 11th Main, Clinet’s Project Team
Vidya Soudha, M.S.Ramaiah Nagar Vidya Soudha, M.S.Ramaiah Nagar 13th Cross,
M.S.R.I.T.Post M.S.R.I.T.Post Malleswaram,
Bangalore – 560 054. Bangalore – 560 054. Bangalore – 560 003. Aug-07
Block – D to 237.00
Block – C to 197.00
Block – A to 136.00